Each year, Urban Harvest offers a series providing all the basics of growing a wide variety of vegetables in the Houston climate using organic methods. For 2025, the class will be held on seven Saturdays this spring, Feb. 22-May 24, in the Community Garden of the Houston Botanic Garden. This comprehensive series of courses includes 24 hours of classroom instruction, plus 9 hours of hands-on instruction. Those who complete the course become certified Organic Vegetable Specialists and receive a certificate.
REGISTRATION: While there is no charge for the class series itself, space is limited, so pre-registration is required.
REQUIRED TEXT: All participants must purchase the book “Year Round Vegetables, Fruits and Flowers for Metro Houston,” by Dr. Bob Randall, at a cost of $65. Purchase the book here.
ATTENDANCE POLICY: You need to attend six of the seven classes to be eligible for the “Organic Vegetable Specialist” certificate.
Saturday, Feb. 22
– The Organic Approach; Why it Works: Brief explanation Designing your vegetable garden using permaculture.
– Area Climate, Precipitation, Irrigation, Drainage & Raised Beds
Saturday, Mar. 8
– Vegetable Garden Design; continued; Tools; Ponds, Bogs, water management
– Ecological Pest Control; Other Organic Pest Controls; Bed Rotation
Saturday, Mar. 22
– Soil Nutrients; Organic Matter, Organic Fertilizers Soil Food Webs
– Backyard Compost and Mulches; Purchased Mulches & Compost
Saturday, Apr. 12
– Types of Vegetables; Rating Vegetables; Vegetable Seeds: Varieties, & Best Sources; Growing Organic Transplants; Planting seeds, sprouts and plants.
Saturday, Apr. 26
– All other nightshades, Bean & Pea Family; Sweet Potato Family; Mint Family, Miscellaneous Others. Donation Gardening.
Saturday, May 24
*NOTE LOCATION CHANGE: Bauer Education Center (1911 W. 34th Street, 77018)
– Squash Family; Grain Family; Okra Family; Beet Family. Market Gardens & Farms.
Before each class, there will be a Q&A session where participants can bring up topics related to the last class and the readings. There will also be a brief, self-graded quiz based on the reading assigned and the previous class. If possible, participants are encouraged to bring their own trowel, gloves, water bottle, and hat.