The Garden is open daily from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

ROCO on the Go

ROCO on the Go

In collaboration with ROCO, Houston Botanic Garden presents “ROCO on the Go in the Garden,” a musical experience curated to enhance visits to the city’s living museum for plants. Visitors can use their mobile devices to scan QR codes on 14 placards placed around the Global Collection Garden and embark on an aural tour of flora and fauna, featuring music from ROCO’s 16 years of live performances.

In some cases, selections were chosen to align with the cultures and countries represented by plants in the Garden, including taking into consideration a composer’s ethnicity or experience in one of those regions. In other areas, pieces were paired based upon physical attributes of the plants and the mood or style of the music.

ROCO on the Go in the Garden” opened to the public in February 2022. The experience is included in the cost of general admission to the Garden.


Underwriters for Artistic & Cultural Programming

Programming Underwriter
  • Nancy O’Connor Abendshein
  • The John R. Eckel Jr. Foundation
  • Cherie & John Lindley
Presenting Underwriter
  • Vivian L. Smith Foundation/Judy Tate
Title Sponsor
  • Jenny Elkins
  • Vivie & Chris O’Sullivan
Lead Sponsor
  • Robert J. Card, M.D. & Karol Kreymer
  • Gail & Michael Hendryx
  • Houston Trust Company
  • G.G. Hsieh
  • Laurie & Reed Morian
  • James A. Reeder Jr. & Eric Nevil
  • Jeff & Kelly Scofield
  • Scurlock Foundation
  • Emily Todd
  • Claudia Gee Vassar & David Vassar