The Houston Botanic Garden is open daily, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m..

Garden Map


With Sims Bayou running through and around the northern edge of the site — creating two distinct spaces, the Island and the South Gardens, connected by a bayou bridge — the Houston Botanic Garden features 132 acres of horticultural displays, natural ecosystems, and walking trails.

Park Place Entrance
The Entry Garden—with seasonal color and a mix of textures provided by a variety of species—gives passersby a glimpse of what they will find beyond the Garden's gate.
Botanic Lane
Botanic Lane—our entry drive lined with live oaks—helps visitors transition from the hustle and bustle of the city to the serenity and calm of the Garden.
Picnic Grove
In the Picnic Grove, which is accessible with or without an admission ticket to the Garden, a selection of oaks provide a shady, grassy place for all to gather.
Pine Grove

The Pine Grove greets visitors as they pass through the entry gate and provides a shady space for gathering and relaxation.

Abendshein Family Fountain

The Abendshein Family Fountain—with aquatic plants around the base of and tucked within the natural cavities of exquisite coralstone blocks from a quarry in the Dominican Republic—greets visitors with the calming sound of soft falling water.

Global Collection Garden
The Global Collection Garden—with three acres of themed tropical, subtropical, and arid zones—demonstrates a wide variety of diverse and beautiful plants from around the world that flourish in Houston’s climate.
Culinary Garden
The Culinary Garden features edible and medicinal plants—many of which visitors could grow in their own yards—that have served as a basis for economic and cultural exchange across the history of the world.
Woodland Glade
The Woodland Glade—with its magnolia trees and sculpted hedges—offers an intimate-yet-open space visitors can rent to host weddings and other celebrations surrounded by the beauty of nature.
Stormwater Wetlands
The Stormwater Wetlands is a natural habitat that attracts wildlife while exhibiting how green infrastructure can help with flood control and water purification.
Coastal Prairie
The Coastal Prairie is a sustainable habitat of prairie grasses and other native species that promotes conservation of soil, water, air, and wildlife.
Susan Garver Family Discovery Garden
The Susan Garver Family Discovery Garden presents opportunities for families to engage with nature in hands-on ways, including simple water machines, a boardwalk maze around a lagoon, and plenty of space to roam and explore.
Community Garden
The Community Garden provides bed space, supplies, resources, and classes to allow neighbors to come together to grow organic produce, learn new planting techniques, and deepen their understanding of the nutritional importance of plants.