The Houston Botanic Garden is open daily, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m..

History of Mezcal

Origins of North America's original spirit

November 12, 2023 2:00 pm -
November 12, 2023 4:00 pm

Degustación de Mezcal con historia donde los participantes conocerán y aprenderán más sobre la cultura del mezcal. Se degustara mezcal del Estado de San Luis Potosí, con su maridaje, rodajas de naranja con sal de gusano que crece en el agave y cabuches (flor de la biznaga). Cocina de Mexico.

La clase se desarrolla bajo el siguiente temario: etimología de la palabra mezcal, historia y origen de la bebida mezcal, producción artesanal, diversidad de agaves, diferencia entre tequila y mezcal

Los participantes apreciarán más sobre la historia y cultura del mezcal. La sesión será dentro de un salón e incluirá Mezcal con maridaje.


Blending education and tastings, the History of Mezcal will provide attendees with knowledge of and increased appreciation for the history and cultural uses of North America’s original spirit.

The presentation will cover various aspects of mezcal, including etymology of the word, historical origins, artisanal production, diversity of the genus Agave, and the difference between tequila and mezcal.

Pours of artisanal Mezcal from San Luis Potosi, Mexico, will be paired with orange slices with agave worm salt and cabuches (the flower of California barrel cactus).

Non-member fee of $85 includes general admission to the Garden, mezcal tastings, and light bites. Members receive a $10 discount.

Presented with sponsorship support from AARP Texas & AARP Texas en Español.

Houston Botanic Garden offers free parking for most events, which are often held in climate-controlled environments, rain or shine. If you have specific questions, please email

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